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What is Over the Edge?


Over the Edge is a special events company that provides signature events for nonprofit organizations. Participants are invited to raise pledges in exchange for the once-in-a-lifetime experience of going over the edge of the Black Building on Broadway downtown Fargo (in partnership with the Kilbourne Group). The Over the Edge crew handles the technical aspects of the event and CHARISM recruits rappellers to participate in the event and the event raises money to help CHARISM provide at risk children with enriching out of school time education programs.


How does it work?


To go Over the Edge, individual participants must raise a minimum of $1,000. The majority of fundraising is done online through our donation portal, Network for Good. More information will be provided on this at the time of registration.


Is there a registration fee?


Yes, all participants must pay a $50 registration fee to begin the fundraising process. So, essentially the participant must only raise $950 to go Over the Edge, since the registration fee counts towards your fundraising goal.


What does the money raised at CHARISM Over the Edge benefit?


CHARISM Over the Edge benefits low-income / at risk children by reducing barriers to participation in enriching educational out of school time programming throughout the year. Building STRONGER students and helping them reach new heights personally. 100% of the funds raised at the CHARISM Over the Edge 2017 event will go directly towards providing a safe and enriching environment for children to access after school and throughout summer.




I don’t have experience fundraising, how do I do it?


Thanks to our online fundraising portal at, you can easily share your Over the Edge endeavor with friends and family near and far! When you register to go Over the Edge with CHARISM you will be prompted to create your own personal fundraising page. You can add photos, and customize your text on the page to help encourage your friends and family to support your efforts to benefit CHARISM children. We also will have a “Rappeler Resource Guide” for additional fundraising tips, resources, and guidance.


How do I raise money to go Over the Edge?


  • You can collect online card donations by directing your friends and family to a link for your personal fundraising page.

  • You can also collect cash or check donations by filling out a donation form that will be provided on the Resources Page on website under Participants.

  • Offline donors should include your name in the memo line of checks, and checks should be made out to CHARISM.

  • Cash and check donations can be mailed to CHARISM. We don’t encourage you to mail cash – either drop it by our office, get a cashier’s check to mail, or turn it in on event day.

  • Before you know it, your friend, family, and contact will have helped you reach your fundraising goal and you’ll be rappelling down the side of the 110 foot Black Building!

  • Our office location for mailing: 2601 12th Avenue South – Suite A, Fargo, ND 58103


Is the registration fee counted towards my fundraising goal?


Yes! When you register, the registration fee will be added to your fundraising webpage.


Are donations tax-deductible?


Yes, online contributions and offline donations are tax deductible. The fundraising portal, Network for Good will automatically issue your donors a receipt for their online gifts. The receipt can be used as support for a tax deduction. For any check or cash donations CHARISM will issue receipts to donors as they come in. In this case it is very important to make sure you collect mailing information or email information for each offline donor.


What happens if I do not reach the $1,000 minimum?

  • Minimum Fundraising Clause: Each individual participant must reach the minimum $1,000 to go Over the Edge.

  • If minimum is not reached by July 31st, 2017 a CHARISM Over the Edge representative will contact you. We will help you come up with a plan to help you reach your goal.

  • Each participant will have 30 days post event (September 14, 2017) to reach the minimum $1,000.




Is there a minimum age to rappel?      


No, but minors must have their waiver signed by a consenting parent or guardian. The minor must meet height and weight requirements set by the Over the Edge safety crew.


Are there weight restrictions to rappel?


Yes, participants must be between 110 – 350 pounds to safely fit into the harness equipment.


What should I wear to rappel?


You’re going to be walking down the side of the building so wear good comfortable shoes. Please do not wear sandals, slip-on shoes, slippers, flip flops, anything with a heel or steel toed boots. Comfortable pants and a t-shirt will be ideal. The harness will go around your legs, waist and shoulders, so it is best to avoid anything too bulky. If you have long hair please tie it back, we will have hair ties on site event day in case you forget. You will also be given a pair of gloves and helmet to wear while you rappel.


Can I rappel with a camera or other personal items?


  • We constantly worry about objects being dropped over the side, so personal cameras or phones are not permitted. You won’t have a free hand to take photos anyway.

  • We will have professional photographers on the roof and ground, we will provide you with the images after the event.

  • On event day, at check in your personal items will be safely stored with the CHARISM Over the Edge team until you are complete your rappel. Any droppable items like keys, cell phones, jewelry, cameras, etc.


Can I wear my glasses?


If you need to wear your glasses, you will need to use Croakies or some other eyewear retainer to keep them from falling.


Can my friends come up to the roof to take photos?


Unfortunately no – the roof is a restricted access area, only the Over the Edge crew, designated rappelers, and one photographer will be able to access the roof. We do this to keep everybody safe. CHARISM will have an event photographer on the roof, ensuring that each participant gets a picture going over also a photographer on the ground so you will receive a photo of you coming down the building. Friends / Family CAN watch and take photos from the viewing area at ground level.




Is Over the Edge safe?


Absolutely! Over the Edge has never had a single accident at any event since their inception in 2003. Every Over the Edge event is set up as an industrial worksite and as a result is compliant with all federal and state OSHA Fall Protection Standards and OSHA Federal and State Laws. Further to this, our policies and procedures adhere to the best practices identified by IRATA (Industrial Rope Access Trade Association) counsel. This counsel is a strict regulatory body that regimented guidelines and safety protocols that far exceed the OSHA, Workers Compensation and state labor codes. To read more about safety, visit


Who will be setting up the rappel gear and what qualifications do they have?


All members of the Over the Edge technical team are IRATA and SPRAT certified industrial rope access technicians. We also rely on the help of volunteers from local fire departments and AMGA Guides to assist with the ropes. All have extensive training in areas like rope rescue and / or are instructors in rope rescue and climbing.


How old are the ropes? When are they inspected and by whom?


The Over the Edge technical team regularly orders new ropes. They are inspected by Over the Edge qualified technical staff at the start and end of each event. During the event, safety checks are performed for each person before they rappel, and every 2 ½ hours the team re-inspects all the rigging.


Do I get to practice before the big rappel?


Yes! You will have the opportunity to practice before your rappel. This practice session will help you get used to the harness, rappel device and technique for descending the building.



If you have any further questions, please contact CHARISM at or 701-356-0262

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